When posting your challenges on BGG it can be a hassle to add all stars and no-stars to your lists. With version 4.4 of BG Stats you have the possibility to generate and copy the BBCode required to post a list on BGG.
Choose “Generate BBCode for BGG” from the menu on a Challenge page and paste the BBCode in your post on BGG. If you want to update your post on BGG, simply copy the BBCode from BG Stats, and replace the current block of code on BGG.
The sorting of the generated BBCode lists match the sorting on the Challenge page.
There are three different options that are available with the different templates:

Alphabet challenge
For the Alphabet Challenge this will look as follows:

All letters of the Alphabet will be displayed, with an empty star if no game for this letter is played and a filled star if game for that letter is already played. The name of that game will be displayed as a link to its BGG page and the date that the game was played is also shown.
Play x games y times
For the Play x games y times Challenge this will look as follows:

All game names will be listed as a link to their BGG page. Behind that a number of unfilled and filled stars will be shown equal to the Y in this challenge. Filled stars represent the amount of times the game is already played in this challenge, unfilled stars represent the amount of times the game still needs to be played.
Challenges from these templates will also be displayed like this:
- Play 10 games 10 times each
- Play my Unplayed Owned Games
- Play 10 New-to-me Games
- Play every Game in my Collection
- Replay 20 old favorites
- Play 10 games from a specific year
Record x plays
For the Record x plays Challenge this will look as follows:

A number of stars equal to the X in this challenge will be displayed. Filled stars represent the amount of plays already recorded for this challenge, unfilled stars represent the amount of plays that still need to be recorded. A total amount of plays is also listed underneath this. Lastly, all games that contributed to this challenge are listed, with the amount of plays. Game names will be listed as a link to their BGG page.
Challenges from these templates will also be displayed like this:
- Play 5 times with a friend