In some cases, when using both Cloud sync and importing plays from BoardGameGeek, this can result in duplicate data.

Let the app fix duplicates

In most cases duplicates can be fixed by the app itself. Go to Settings > Help, about and contact, and scroll down to the Maintenance section. You’ll find options to delete duplicate plays and games there. The app will prompt you with any changes it will make before deleting anything.

Preventing duplicates

When you authorize a second device to Cloud sync, but there’s already data on your device, the data will be merged. This can result in duplicates if the data did not originate from Cloud sync. A dialog warns you about this when this is about to happen. A common case is when you previously imported your plays from BoardGameGeek and are now switching to Cloud sync.

To prevent the duplicates from occurring, first empty the app you’re about to authorize to Cloud sync. This can be done by deleting the app and reinstalling from the app store. If on Android and auto-backup is enabled, make sure to temporarily disable the auto-restore for BG Stats, or choose to Clear Storage in the App Info in the launcher.

If you feel unsure about deleting the data, you can first export it from Settings >Export, Import and Backup to make sure you still have a copy.

Removing duplicates

Did you still end up with duplicates? Here are steps to remove them. These steps will work if you have duplicates caused by a combination of BoardGameGeek Play imports and Cloud sync. To make sure you always have a backup of your original data, first export it from Settings >Export, Import and Backup and save it somewhere safe.

Follow these steps:

  • Temporarily turn off Cloud sync in BG Stats’s Settings > Cloud Sync (set Enable Cloud sync to off).
  • Go in BG Stats to Settings > BoardGameGeek > Import Plays from BGG
  • Choose Delete Plays on the top and select the period in which duplicates occur. If you’re not sure, you can select ‘Every date’.
  • Press ‘Delete Imported Plays’ and confirm. When asked to delete Games, Players or Locations, choose Keep them.
  • Now check your data. The duplicates should already be gone.

To make sure you’re not missing any plays that were originally imported from BGG on only one of your devices:

  • Go in BG Stats to Settings > BoardGameGeek > Import Plays from BGG
  • Import your plays by entering your BGG username and selecting ‘Every date’.
    If you have a lot of plays this can result in a BGG error ‘too many requests’. In that case, turn off ‘Every date’ and choose a period of a year at a time to import. Repeat until you have imported all dates.
  • Now check you data. The missing plays from BGG will be added. There should not be any duplicates.

If everything is alright, you can re-enable Cloud sync in BG Stats’s Settings > Cloud Sync (set Enable Cloud sync to on). Press Sync now… to send the changes to your other device(s).

If you are NOT satisfied with the results, you can reset your device to the situation before deleting imported plays: Delete the app, reinstall it from the App store (if on Android and auto-backup is enabled, make sure to temporarily disable the auto-restore for BG Stats), and re-authorize Cloud sync. You’ll be back to the situation before you disabled Cloud sync.

Still duplicates, or other issues?

Contact support, and we’ll sort it out.