With the Tagging expansion it is possible to see combined stats for a selection of games.
Viewing Combined Stats
First you can enter all your criteria and filter the game list. You can then view the combined stats of the selected games. Tap on the “Stats >” button on the Custom Filter page.
The combined stats page will show you the combined stats for all selected games. This includes all stats, like Plays, Score stats, Cost per play and more.

Total collection cost
To view your total collection cost:
- Go to the Game list
- Tap the Funnel to open the Custom Filter
- (optional) Tap the “Clear Filter” button (arrow next to the “Advanced” button) to remove all active filters
- Tap the Status filter, select “Owned” and tap “Filter“
- Tap the “Stats >” button
- Swipe to the cost section, next to the box cover image
The total cost of your collection will be shown at the top line “Purchase cost“.
Combined stats for a Tag
To view combined stats for all games in a tag:
- Go to the Game list
- Tap the Funnel to open the Custom Filter
- (optional) Tap the “Clear Filter” button (arrow next to the “Advanced” button) to remove all active filters
- Tap the Tag filter, select a Tag and tap “Filter“
- Tap the “Stats >” button
You can now see the combined stats for all games in the selected Tag.