Score Sheets are like a digital pen and paper to note down scores for your plays. With a score sheet your total score will be calculated and the winner will be determined automatically. When you save a play with a score sheet you can always view and share the sheet and view stats over it later.
For a large number of games tailor-made score sheets are available, that will have fitting scoring categories for that game, just like one that came with the game (if any). A generic score sheet will always be available. For games where you calculate scores over multiple rounds, you can use a convenient rounds score sheet, that tallies the points for you every round.
- Entering scores in a score sheet
- Viewing saved score sheets
- View stats from score sheets
- How to submit missing score sheets
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Wishlist and roadmap
- Did You Know
Entering scores in a score sheet
When you create a play a button will appear in the top right of the Player and Scores list. This button will be slightly different depending on if a game has a dedicated score sheet or not.
This button takes you to a generic score sheet.
This button, an earmarked version, will take you to a game-specific score sheet.
If no players are selected you cannot enter scores. You can add players from the Score Sheet screen with the Players… button at the top left. You can also set details like start player and roles for the selected players by tapping their name in the sheet.
To enter scores, tap a field in the sheet. A keyboard will popup that will let you enter numbers. You can also add short calculations like 3 + 6 + 2, as usual. These will be remembered so you can add to or view them later.
With the arrow buttons next to the keyboard you can quickly jump to the next player or the next scoring row.
These arrows will change depending on what would be your logical next field to enter.
The scores will be automatically summed and a winner will be selected. You can also change the winner manually, e.g. after determining a tie-breaker, by tapping the hex icons next to the total score.
When you browse back to the main Edit play screen, the total scores are entered for each player. These can’t be edited here anymore – tapping a score field will take you back to the score sheet. Saving the play will save the scores and all details in the score sheet.
Different row types
Repeating rows
Some rows in the sheet can be repeated, e.g. if it’s unknown how many times something can be scored. These rows will show a ‘Add Row‘ button at the top of the keyboard when they are selected.
Radio buttons
A radio button is a round button that will be shown for every player. Tap on the button to enable it. It can only be enabled for one player, so tapping on the button for another player will also disable it for the current player.
If you have tapped a radio button but don’t want it enabled for any player, tap on the green triangle that appears at the start of the line when a radio button is first enabled.
A radio button is a square button. It can be enabled for one or more players separately. Tap on it again to disable it.
Non-scoring fields
Some fields are added to sheets as Non-scoring fields. You can recognise these by the dotted line around the score field. The value that is entered in these fields will not add up for the final score. These types of fields are used as help to remember a value or because these values can be interesting for stats.
Adding extra rows
Below the sheet an ‘Add Row’ button is always available, this lets you add an extra scoring row to the bottom of the sheet, in case you need it.
For some games expansions are included in the sheet. You will see the sheet with expansion rows when you select the expansion in your play.
A score sheet can be available in different languages. If possible the language of the chosen version of the game will be used, otherwise the language of your app will be chosen. To change the language, tap the gear icon in the top right of a score sheet to select a language, if available. This choice will be remembered for the next time you use the score sheet.
A score sheet can have different variants. This can be useful for a game that has different modules that have different scoring options, or a Roll & Write game that has different levels with different scoring.
A score sheet that has variants available will have a drop down menu at the top of the score sheet, with the default variant selected.

Some games will have an extra variant that has more detailed scoring options. You can choose which one suits you best, and use that, your choice will be remembered for next time.
Sheet types
Two sheet types are always available, regardless if a game has a game specific score sheet, a Generic sheet and a Rounds sheet.
You can always find these in the gear menu in the top right of a score sheet.
Generic: This is the basic version of a score sheet. Two scoring options are available:
- Best total: all rows are added up, a total score is calculated and a winner is set automatically.
- Scores only: all rows are added up, a total score is calculated but no winner is set.
Rounds: For games where you enter scores over multiple rounds. Four scoring options are available:
- Best total: all rows are added up, a total score is calculated and a winner is set automatically.
- Best round: only the score in the best round is used for the total score and a winner is set automatically.
- Rounds won: the total score is the number of rounds a player won and a winner is set automatically.
- Scores only: all rows are added up, a total score is calculated but no winner is set
These scoring options can be changed by tapping them at the bottom row of the score sheet.
Player count
For some sheets the rows are adjusted for number of players. This can be for a solo variant, or a game where, for instance, the number of rounds depends on the player count.
Viewing saved score sheets
If a play has a saved score sheet, a button will be displayed next to the winner details on the play’s overview screen.
This button takes you to the saved score sheet.
For a game-specific sheet you can switch the language in the gear menu. You can switch to any language that is currently supported by the game template, even if that language has been added after you saved the sheet.
You can share a picture of the sheet here with the share button at the top left (next to the gear icon).

When you share a Play File with somebody, the score sheet will be included as well.
Toggling the font
It is possible to switch the font used in this score sheet between handwritten and regular font. Tap the gear icon on the top right of the saved score sheet and you can toggle the font with the option “Use Regular Font”.

Statistics over score sheets
From a game’s overview screen you can view statistics over score sheets. To see this stats sheet, tap the Score sheet icon with a bar graph on the game’s overview screen.
This button takes you to the stats sheet.
This feature is only available with the Deep Statistics expansion.
For each scoring line in the sheet, a list of stats is displayed: the minimum, maximum and average scores, and the minimum winning, average winning and maximum losing scores.
These stats are calculated over all plays where you used a score sheet. If you have used any filters on the Game page, these results are filtered as well. At the top left of the sheet is shown how many plays the stats are based.
Switching between stats
With the Stats dropdown you can switch to different stats:
- Aggregate stats (Top score, Highest losing, Average winning, Average score, Lowest winning or Lowest score): shows you that stat for each scoring line for each player.
- Players: shows you all stats for that player only.
To quickly view different stats, tap the column headers.
If multiple variants are available for the score sheet, you can select a variant at the top of the screen.
If you have also used generic or rounds sheet you can switch to these as well here.
With the gear menu in the top right you can switch languages.
Submitting score sheets
If you want to submit a score sheet that does not exist, you can find more info here: Submitting Score Sheet templates. You can see if a game has a game-specific score sheet when you log a play.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Can the score sheet use predefined values to calculate scoring? (e.g. every item is worth 4 and I enter 5, for 5 items, so my score is 20)
Can the score sheet calculate a value based on another row? (e.g. the person with the most items gets 20 points)
These requests are similar to something we already tried but this just didn’t work.
For now the score sheets are ‘simple’ (with actually a few pretty smart options). We get/know/understand all these ideas, but it’s not feasible at the moment. - Can I create my own score sheet?
No, not at the moment, but we will look into this later. - Can you add a tie-breaker?
We do not currently support tie-breakers in Score Sheets. This is because:- games often have many tie-breakers, for which in many cases the required information is not available in the sheet,
- you can always change the winner manually to apply any tie-breaker that applies,
- for statistical purposes, the app already recognizes a tie-breaker has been applied in that case.
Roadmap and Wishlist
There are a lot more possibilities score sheets can offer. Features that are already requested can be found on our wishlist. Before submitting new features requests, please check if it is not already on there.
Did You Know
A list of Did You Knows about score sheets
💡Did You Know: the Deep Print Games app can export score sheets to BG Stats?
💡Did You Know: some score sheets have different variants?
💡Did You Know: you can share score sheets?