The Stats-o-graphic can be created from your Insights screen. Choose Stats-o-graphic from the share button at the top right of the screen. Insights and the “Stats-o-graphic” are available for all app users, expansions are not necessary.

* On Android, Stats-o-graphic is only available for Android 8 and higher.
Options on the Stats-o-graphic screen
Picture grid
You can tap the grid to hide a picture. Other stats are not recalculated when you do this.
Stats grid
- Tap Players to toggle between named players and all players.
- Tap the Hours/Days row to get the option to hide it.
- Tap Designers to toggle between showing/not showing “(uncredited)”
Three options are available:
- Plays: this will show a badge on each game image with the number of plays for that game.
- Time: this will show a badge on each game image with the amount of time spent on that game. (Available with Deep Stats)
- None: no badge will be shown.
When creating the Stats-o-graphic games will be sorted by how you sorted them on Insights. If the games list is sorted on play count, the Plays badge will be selected. If the games list is sorted on time, the Time badge will be selected.
When switching between the Plays and Time badge the option to sort on the newly chosen badge will become available. Tap this to resort the picture grid on the chosen badge option.
Two options are available:
- Game: the background will automatically be generated from the cover image of your top game.
- Standard: choose this to use the standard background colour.
Share… and Save…
Tap “Share…” to save and/or share the image. You don’t have to make a screenshot of this page.
Tap “Share…” to share the image. Tap “Save…” to save the image. You don’t have to make a screenshot of this page.
Copy as Alt Text
Tap this to copy the information from this image as text that can be used as alt-text when sharing.
How are Designers calculated?
The percentage shown for Designers is over all your unique played Games, not plays.
Want more control?
Before opening the Stats-o-graphic from the Insights screen, you can change your Insights how you like, by changing the period and the sorting of the Games list. These changes will be reflected in your Stats-o-graphic.
More options for filtering are available if you have Deep Stats expansion: Players, Player Count and Locations. With the Tagging expansion, you can select a Default or saved filter.