💡Did You Know: BG Stats has a Backup Check?


In the Settings you can see if your data is safely back-upped.

A green check ✅ means your data is save, a warning ⚠️ means there might be a problem, a red dot 🔴 means there is no (complete) backup.
Please note: a device backup can also contain the BG Stats data, we’re not able to check this from the app.


Tap on the Backup Check to see more details.

Backup settings Backup check 1


The two backup options are:

1️⃣ Cloud Sync: if this is enabled all data (except images) is back-upped.

2️⃣ Manual Export: an export contains all data (except images). Make sure you export regularly.

The status of both is shown here.

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You could use BGG as backup, but this will contain limited data, no board/variants, score calculations, game notes, challenges and more.

You can see the Collection Sync and Auto-post Plays status here.

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