When you play a game with expansions, you can note the expansions you’ve played in BG Stats. This way, the app also keeps track of how often you’ve played each expansion. With the Deep statistics expansion you can also see stats based on the played expansions.

Details of the played expansions can be posted to BoardGameGeek. Of course, played expansion information syncs between your devices if your use Cloud sync.

Adding played Expansions to a Play

  • Start logging your play as usual in BG Stats. Select as played game the base game you’re playing (e.g. “7 Wonders”).
  • Still on the New Play screen, tap Play Details, and then No expansions selected.
  • A list of known expansions for the selected base game will appear. This list is loaded from BoardGameGeek and remembered for next time.
    • The list is divided in two parts. The top list are known expansions that you already have in BG Stats. The bottom list are other known expansions you do not yet have in the app.
    • Selecting an expansion from the bottom list will add that game entry to BG Stats. It will not have a collection status.
    • Selecting an expansion that itself has expansions (e.g. “7 Wonders Leaders”) those extra expansions will be displayed as options as soon as you select that expansion.
  • Select the played expansions in the list. If an expansion is missing completely, you can add it with the + button. This way you can select any game in BG Stats as being played together in this play. From now on, it will be shown in the list as a possible expansion to this game.
  • If you have selected expansions in previous plays for this game, you can also switch to the Played Sets tab to quickly select previously used combinations of expansions.
  • If you’re done selecting expansions, browse back and save your play as usual.

Viewing plays of expansions

In your list of Plays, each play will be listed once, and the selected base game is displayed as the played game. You can enable the display of the played expansions as well: in Settings, turn on ‘Display expansions in play lists’. If you have the Deep statistics expansion you can also set this via the gear icon in the filter bar.

On the Play detail screen you can see which expansions were played. Tap the expansions to view the complete list, and tap a single expansion to go to that expansion’s game detail screen.

In your list of Games, games will have a play count including plays as expansion, and when displaying expansions in the list they will sort accordingly with play count and last play. You can view a list of games of type expansion that are used as the base game in one or more plays using the filter “Expansions played as Base” at the top of the games screen.

When you view details of a game, the number of plays includes plays where that game was the base game, and where the game was added as expansion. For base games you can view which expansions were played by tapping the Expansions dropdown in the middle of the screen. For expansions you can view with which base games it was played by tapping the Base games dropdown. The names of these dropdowns differ slightly if you have the Deep Statistics expansion, as they also function as filters in that case.

Posting expansion plays to BoardGameGeek

If you post your plays to BoardGameGeek, the list of expansions you have selected in a Play is always added to the comments of that play. You can also tell BG Stats to post a separate play to BGG for each played expansion.

Go to Settings > BoardGameGeek > Play posting settings to configure this.

If you enable Post expansions as separate plays, an extra play will be created on BGG for each expansion you’ve added to the base play. Everytime you update the base play to BGG, the expansion plays will be updated as well (and removed, or additionally added where needed). An expansion play on BGG has in its comment a reference to the parent play (the base play) on BGG, including a link. The base play on its turn links to the expansion plays.

There are two additional options when you enable posting separate expansion plays. Use a quantity of 0.1 sets the quantity field on BGG for expansion plays to 0.1. This has the effect that BGG does not count this play for your total number of plays, so your total play count stays the same. It however also means you can’t see on BGG how often you’ve played a specific expansion.

Add comments to expansion play puts a copy of the base play’s comments in the expansion play as well.

Changing any of these play posting settings does not update existing plays to BGG automatically. If you want to re-post all your plays, select all plays in the list of plays and choose Share > Post or Update to BGG….

Editing played expansions for multiple plays at once

If you have not recorded played expansions before and want to add them now to existing plays, you can quickly edit multiple plays at once.

  • In the list of plays, start multiple-select with the Select button (named Select on iOS, having the sort/reorder icon on Android). Or long-press any play.
  • Select the plays you want to edit, making sure they’re all from the same game. It might be easiest to do this from the list of plays for that specific game.
  • Tap Edit… and then Edit Expansions…. The list of known expansions for this game appears, just like the one when editing a play.
  • Already selected expansions for those plays will be checkmarked. If an expansion is only selected in some plays it is marked with a dash.
  • Make the changes you want for the selected plays. Only the changes are applied to the selected plays. This means that if you don’t touch an expansion that is used in only one of the selected plays, it will remain selected for that one play and not be added to the other selected plays. This way you can easily add one expansion to all selected plays, regardless of previously selected expansions for that play.
  • Tap Select to confirm. Changes are applied immediately without an extra confirmation dialog.
  • If you have Auto-post enabled in the Settings, the plays will be automatically updated to BGG as well (including expansion plays, if you have that enabled).

Converting old plays and board/variants to expansion plays

Depending on how you logged your played expansions before, you can update your existing plays to the new format with included expansions.

Using the filter “Expansions played as Base” at the top of the games screen, you can view a list of games of type expansion that are used as a base game in one or more plays.

Converting Boards/Variants

If you have used board/variants to note the played expansions, you can convert those to expansion plays. Follow these steps:

  • Go to the game’s overview screen, and tap the Board/variants dropdown.
  • Press Edit to start editing mode, and tap the board/variant you want to convert.
  • In the edit dialog tap the ‘Convert to Expansion(s)…’ button. The list of known expansions for this game appears, just like the one when editing a play.
  • You can select multiple expansions to be used when replacing the selected board/variant. So if you’ve used a board variant ‘All expansions’ you can now select which expansions you mean by that and have them all added to the plays.
  • Tap Select to continue, and in the following dialog confirm the conversion.
  • All plays with the selected board/variant will be updated to have been played with the selected expansion(s). The board/variant will then be deleted from the plays.
  • If you have Auto-post enabled in the Settings, the plays will be automatically updated to BGG as well (including expansion plays, if you have that enabled).

If you want to keep the board/variant but only add expansions based on them, don’t convert them. Instead, filter the relevant plays based on board/variant (using the Deep stats expansion) and edit the expansions for all those plays at once.

Converting plays logged on the expansion itself

If you have logged your plays on the expansion instead of the base game (e.g. on “7 Wonders Cities”) you can convert these to plays of a base game (“7 Wonders”), with the originally played game set as played expansion.

  • In the list of plays, select any number of plays you want to convert to the same base game. So you can select plays of “7 Wonders Cities” and “7 Wonders Leaders” and others that you now want to place under “7 Wonders”.
    • It can be useful to do this from the list of plays for a specific game, so you can use the All button in multiple-select mode to select all plays to convert.
    • Tip: if you have logged on lots of different expansions and you have the Tagging expansion: You can tag those expansions, select this tag in the filter dropdown of the Games screen, and via the Stats > and then Plays > buttons you can see and convert all plays from those tagged games at once.
  • With the plays to convert selected, tap Edit… and then Change to expansion plays… A popup with a list of games appears.
  • Tap the base game you want to use for these plays.
  • Check the dialog if the conversion is what you want, and confirm with Change Game. Each play’s original game will be set as a played expansion for that play, and the base game will be changed to the base game you just selected.
  • If you have Auto-post enabled in the Settings, the plays will be automatically updated to BGG as well (including expansion plays, if you have that enabled).

Merging separate base and expansion plays into one play with expansions

If you logged your plays for the base game and expansions separately (resulting in multiple play entries for each) you can make one play out of these with a selected base game and the other played games added as played expansions.

This must be done for one resulting play at a time.

  • Using multiple-select, select the plays that should become one play.
  • Tap Edit… and the Make this one play with expansions….
  • A popup appears listing all selected plays, listed by their game. Select the entry that will be used as the base play for the resulting play.
    • From the base play the players, scores, board/variant and other details are kept. From all other plays only the played game is used and set as played expansion in that base play.
  • Check the confirmation dialog carefully: only the selected base play will remain, all other selected plays will be deleted after their played game is added to the base play’s list of played expansions.
  • Tap Merge to start the actual merge. After the base play is updated, the remaining plays are deleted. If they have BGG entries, depending on your settings a confirmation dialog will check if you want to delete the BGG entries too, or they will be deleted from BGG automatically.
    • As the now updated base play will create its own expansion plays on BGG (if enabled in the settings) in most cases you would want the deleted plays to be deleted from BGG as well.
  • If you have Auto-post enabled in the Settings, the updated base play will be automatically updated to BGG as well (including expansion plays, if you have that enabled).

Importing plays from BoardGameGeek

You can import plays from BoardGameGeek into BG Stats via Settings >BoardGameGeek > Import plays from BGG….

If those plays were originally posted by BG Stats the listed expansions in the comments of each base play are used to recreate the played expansions. If you have posted separate expansion plays those will be recognized and processed as such. Turning on this setting is not necessary to be able to import correct expansions plays from BGG later.

Expansion plays that are logged in the SPLU format (which have a reference in their comments “Logged as part of this Parent Play“) will be imported as played expansion for that parent play.

Importing expansion plays will be done whether you’ve posted to BGG with a quantity of 0.1 or not (a setting for posting expansion plays as well as in SPLU) and independently from the import plays setting “Don’t import plays with quantity below 1”.

Expansion plays and Challenges

For challenges that use Auto-fill and the H-index challenge only the base game of a play is taken into account.

If you select specific games to be included in a challenge, all plays of the game will be counted, including plays as expansion. This way, you can create a challenge with expansions and their plays will be counted as expected.